Sunday, November 14, 2010


So I only like Lido at night with friends and when it cool outside. And Guess what!! COLD FRONT! haha ya finally great weather and not really sticky weather wear i have to take a shower every two minutes. anyways ya a couple friends and I went to lido to hang out..of course we got some ice cream first and then went the beach and we just talked about life and school and how everything is due next week lol it was nice to get away and enjoy the night breeze with some great friends. I couldn't get any night shot of Lido so i just got these of the net :D

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ken Thompson Park and New Pass Fishing Pier

New pass is awesome to go to, you get to walk though a jungle of mangroves and also have a playground to play with when you get bored. I like going on the pier and looking at the view on a windy day, It's also nice to have a picnic with friends at the park or even a BBQ. I feel almost like it's a getaway from school and also my home life.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


So my Cousin has big a boat and every so often he takes my Dad and I fishing! And today he called me up to come with! I was super excited..i always am because when i was a little kid I loved boats but my family never had one so it was rare if i ever got on one but still at 20 years old I get excited like getting candy on halloween. We just went around the Sarasota Bay and a little bit of Lito beach.. we also dropped by this little island with no one on it and we hung out and fished on the sandbar. We cought a lot of fish like aways and a great day for relaxing!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


So i went fishing with my dad this weekend and we picked an old spot that we use to fish at when i was younger. The Ringling Bridge fishing pier!! As normal I got the net and catched our bait which were little fish then my dad and I kept catching a lot of catfish but we got a couple of green fish..i don't really know the name but it was a good day of fish and we went back home and turned on the grill and ate the fish we cought!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mangrove Tunnels

So I never went Kayaking before in my life and they were offering to Kayak in he mangrove tunnels for only 20 bucks. So i was like DEAL and went on this trip with my girlfriend Malika :D At first it was amazing but after like 20 minutes i was dying but thank god someone showed me how to take it easy and learn how to pase myself so i don't get burned out. We passed though the mangroves at the end of kayaking trip and we passed like 6 times all different tunnels, it was a cool day and sunny so it was perfect. The only weird this was on some the mangroves there were these weird spiders things and i was so scared that they would fall on me and kill me lol. Other then that it was a great experience that i have never been on and hope i will do it again soon with more friends.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ringling Ringling Ringling!!

So hip hip aways to the Ringling Museum!!
Other then all the great art that is there, there are some great huge awesome trees that i enjoy seeing by the bay and the Ringling Mansion. They are called banyan trees and i remember when i was a little kid the first i ever went to the Ringling Museum I was climbing them and some guys told me to get off and that i can hurt myself.. little did know....a year later I tryed jumping from one tree to another and broke my arm... I also remember that the big roots thing are like babies and that it can grow into another tree!! some are also hollow and rats like to live them too!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Childhood Creek

I visited the creek with my friends from home this past weekend to see how much it has changed and it has a lot. My friends and I use to build big dams so water collects and there would be a block and we would make sure there was a big tree next to it so that we can make a rope swing. We always did it when it rain a lot or if there was a hurricane. But as you see their isn't anything exciting happening anymore : (